About Us

"The Message, the Journey, and the Vision"

A Letter from Wesley Carillo, Owner & Founder of HI&DRY Food Products


I just wanted to say thank you again for supporting HI&DRY Food Products! As a small business, these early growth stages are so crucial to our success. I wrote this letter to give you a better idea of who we are as a company and brand. I started this business in the summer of 2020 in the middle of the COVID pandemic. I was laid off with no real source of income. I thought this would be the perfect time to finally take some of my ideas and put them to use; it was now or never.

I grew up with a passion for cooking and being in the kitchen. The quality time and precious memories that I’ve created with my family have been a huge influence in every aspect of my life, both personally and professionally. After spending several years in restaurant and hospitality management, I honed my skills and love for anything and everything food. Fueled by a desire to create a product of my own, I combined two major aspects of my life to serve as the ideology for this future endeavor: my love for tasty, flavorful food and a passion to live a healthy, active lifestyle. 

Ready to embark on my entrepreneurial journey, I drew upon the rich and diverse history of the Hawaiian islands; my home. Hawaii (HI) is a melting pot of cultures and this can be seen in the numerous languages, cuisines, and population. Our product flavors are inspired by the history, cultures, and traditions that make up what we know of Hawaii today. But the taste is only one-half of the equation. Having a flavorful product would mean nothing if it didn’t satisfy my need to fuel my active lifestyle; a flavorful product, but a functional one at that. Not only do HI&DRY Food Products have cultural and regional influences but have a myriad of health and practical benefits including minimal preservatives, nutrient density, and long shelf life with a low risk of food contamination. 

Our company vision is to be something bigger than a simple snack manufacturer. Our products were made to complement an entire lifestyle. Be confident in the fact that no matter what you do to stay active, HI&DRY Food Products will fuel you the right way. Whether you're on an arduous hike exploring the great outdoors, at the gym hitting an intense workout, or simply enjoying a guilt-free goody, these snacks are as nutritious as they are tasty. 

With much thought, I was able to create a one-of-a-kind product. And I wish to share it with you, my HI&DRY ohana (family). Once again, I reiterate that these early stages of the business are the “make it or break it” times. Any support from you would be greatly appreciated. Whether it comes in the form of buying more products, referring others to our business, or following, sharing, tagging, and engaging with us on all of our social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook). With my vision including a variety of specialty restaurants and marketplaces, HI&DRY Food Products is just the beginning! I’m glad you will follow me on this journey.

Thank you and much aloha!

Wesley Carillo
Owner & Founder of HI&DRY Food Products